Friday, February 14, 2025
Archived Post

MacPaw’s Mac Optimizer Bundle is a Back-To-School Bargain — 10% off!

Apple World Today readers love bargains, and this one is perfect for the student in your life. MacPaw has two apps — CleanMyMac 3 and Gemini 2 — that are great for keeping Macs at peak performance. Just in time for the start of a new school year, MacPaw is bundling the two apps together in what they call “The Mac Optimizer Bundle” for just $53.95.

Let’s start with CleanMyMac 3. It’s on my iMac and I use it at least monthly to scan my Mac and get rid of temporary files, mail attachments, iPhoto and iTunes deleted files, and anything else that junks up my Mac. I’ve found it to be extremely useful and a perfect way to keep the iMac running at top performance.

Gemini 2 goes even further; its specialty is finding duplicates on your Mac. Using an intelligent duplicate search, it finds files that are either the same or very similar. For example, if you have files (like photos) that look very much alike, Gemini 2 flags them so that you can consider deleting the extras. Gemini 2 learns how your files are organized and saved, and it actually works faster with each scan. 

Purchased separately, CleanMyMac 3 and Gemini 2 would cost $39.95 and $19.95 respectively. That’s a total of $59.90. With The Mac Optimizer Bundle, you get 10 percent off the total price. MacPaw is an affiliate partner of Apple World Today, and your purchase also helps support the site. 

Steve Sande
the authorSteve Sande
Steve is the founder and former publisher of Apple World Today and has authored a number of books about Apple products. He's an avid photographer, an FAA-licensed drone pilot, and a really bad guitarist. Steve and his wife Barb love to travel everywhere!