On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are today’s picks.
iOS Apps and Updates
Scrivener for iOS

I’ve tried a pile of writing apps over the years, one of which was Scrivener from Literature & Latte. The Mac app has racked up a ton of awards over the year and has become a favorite of many best-selling authors, but until now the app wasn’t available for iOS. Scrivener for iOS $19.99 is universal (iPad and iPhone), syncs with the Mac version, and is perfect for tasks ranging from writing novels to scripts for ads. It’s not for beginners, and it has a bit of a learning curve, but Scrivener for iOS will definitely keep writing pros happy.

Skin cancer is no joke, and spending even a short amount of time outside in mid-day can cause a sunburn that may come back to haunt you in later years as cancer. That’s why it’s important to both watch your exposure to sunlight and make sure you’re wearing proper protective clothing or lotions when outside work or play is unavoidable. One tool that can help you to keep from getting burned is UVLens (free), a new app that looks at UV readings from your local area, then tells you how long you can safely stay outdoors unprotected for your specific skin type.
Mac OS X Apps and Updates
Letterpress Mac

Folks who love word games probably already know about Letterpress (free with $1.99 in-app purchase for pro version), which has been a runaway hit on iOS devices for the past several years. The game lets you play against others at your own pace, notifying you when your opponent has made a move, and it’s just plain addictive. There’s only been one problem; you can’t play on the Mac. That issue has been resolved with Letterpress Mac (free), which takes the top word game for iOS and brings it to the Mac. Only one issue — this is going to kill productivity worse than Pokémon Go!

Do you have problems remembering whether or not you’ve paid a bill? Chronicle ($9.99) is a bill management app for Mac that works with companion apps on iOS and Apple Watch to make sure that you’re reminded when to pay a bill before it’s too late. You can pay those bills online using Chronicle’s integrated browser or your favorite Mac browser, and the app keeps confirmation numbers and receipts for payment proof down the road. Paying bills isn’t fun, but at least Chronicle takes a lot of the pain out of the process. It’s on sale this week for 50% off.