You can use Siri, Apple’s “personal digital assistant,” to establish relationships using your iPhone or iPad. It’s easy. Here’s how:
First, make sure that you have the contact listed in your Contacts app. For example, I want to make sure my iOS devices know that Laura Sellers is my wife. Her name, address, and phone number are listed in Contacts.

I launch Siri and say, “Laura Sellers is my wife.” Siri will then ask me to confirm this by choosing “yes” or “no.”
Now I can use Siri to “Tell my wife I’ll be there in an hour,” “our dinner reservation is at 7 pm at Chef’s Market,” etc. Siri understands a plethora of relationships such as wife mom, dad, in-laws, boss, auto mechanic, etc.
If one of your contacts has a name that’s tricky (for Siri, anyway) to pronounce, in the Contacts app choose the name and tap edit. Scroll down and choose “Add field,” then choose the name you want to spell phonetically. Enter the phonetic spelling. Voila! You’re good to go.