We’ve had several other deals from Udemy for their amazing online courses, and this is one of the best. With the Pay What You Want Back-End Developer Course Bundle, you set the price!
Here’s how this works; click that link above, and if you pay more than the average price (at the time this was written, that number was just $11.89), you get all of the courses unlocked. You can also pay less than the average price to unlock some of the courses, or if you happen to feel particular generous, you can pay above the average amount to get onto the leaderboard and get extra entries in a prize drawing. What’s the drawing for? How about a $1,000 gift card from Newegg!
The courses include:
- Learn Usable PHP in 14 Days
- PHP for Absolute Beginners
- Learn PHP Programming from Scratch
- Beginner Python and Django Programming
- Advanced Ruby Programming: 10 Steps to Mastery
- Intermediate Python
- Python for Beginners
- Ruby Programming for Beginners
Like all of our deals, this one won’t last for long. Head on over to the Apple World Today Deals Shop and pay what you want for this Back-End Develoepr Course Bundle.