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Archived Post

AWT News Update: May 10, 2016

Here’s what’s new in the world of Apple:

  • The iWork apps for iOS and OS X (Pages, Numbers and Keynote) were updated today
  • Canadian banks are now getting on board with Apple Pay
  • WWDC 2016 scholarship recipients are being notified
  • Apple shareholders of record as of yesterday will be paid a dividend of $0.57 per share on Thursday
  • Changes to the Apple News format for publishers bring channel art, support for older stories, and Map and Place components

The text version of the podcast is found below…

“Do I think that Apple’s in trouble if it doesn’t do something in a bot’s world? Sure, because why would you want to download and install all sorts of apps from the App Store when you can get access to bots effectively through one app?,” Bruce Wilcox, director of natural language strategy at Kore, a startup developing bots for enterprise platforms such as (CRM), told UBS. iPhones have had a charisma of a better user experience. Bots are going to be wiping out user interface distinctions. The App Store will sell fewer things. People will have less reason to buy an iPhone. So yes, Apple’s going to have to do something.”

Apple has at least looked into ‘bots. In May 2015, Apple confirmed the existence of its Applebot web crawler. A web crawler is an Internet bot that browses the Web in a methodical, automated manner, typically for the purpose of Web indexing. Apple says that Applebot is used by Siri, its personal digital assistant, Spotlight suggestions, and its Safari search engine. UBS thinks the Cupertino, California-based company may be able to use its Siri voice recognition technology along with artificial intelligence to catch up in bots,

Mark Hibben — an independent iOS developer who blogs about technology trends and companies (the focus of his investments) said in a 2015 Seeking Alpha op-ed that Apple may gradually develop a search capability to rival Google.

Here’s Hibben’s reasoning: “This is not about kicking Google to the curb this year, or even the next. This would be a long-term strategic move by Apple that might take something like five years to pay off. Doing search well is a huge undertaking requiring massive resources and manpower. After all, Microsoft has been at it for years, and what do they have to show for it? A 20% search share in the U.S. and a search engine that is still inferior to Google’s.”‘

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Dennis Sellers
the authorDennis Sellers
Dennis Sellers is the editor/publisher of Apple World Today. He’s been an “Apple journalist” since 1995 (starting with the first big Apple news site, MacCentral). He loves to read, run, play sports, and watch movies.