Thursday, February 6, 2025
Archived Post

Thank you.

While some Apple bloggers are already bragging about the total word count of their upcoming bloated iOS 9 reviews, we’re fighting for survival. 

But thanks to a number of new supporters on Patreon as well as existing supporters who increased their monthly pledges, things are looking up a bit. But we really need for just about everyone who reads this site to make a pledge for continuing, monthly support of Apple World Today. Here’s what we posted on Patreon yesterday afternoon: 

Hello. We’re Steve Sande, Dave Caolo and Dennis Sellers. Steve and Dave were former editors of The Unofficial Apple Weblog, or “TUAW” from 2009 and 2005 respectively, and Dennis has been involved with MacCentral, Macsimum News, and Apple Daily Report since 1998. Sad to say, all of those other sites were either shut down or acquired over the years and no longer exist.

The thing is, we’re not done yet. And that’s why we’ve made Apple World Today. We pride ourselves on providing our readers with well-written, well-sourced news and information, as well as detailed reviews of apps and accessories.

We want to keep doing it, with a site that’s all our own. A fresh start with the concise reliability you knew at the other sites, plus new features and ideas we weren’t able to put into action before. We’re going to make a fantastic resource for everyone who loves Apple’s products as much as we do, from the new customer buying their first iPad to the developer with years of experience. Now that we’re on Patreon, you can directly support our site and our staff.

As of September 1, we’re changing our Patreon goals. We need patrons to do this work full-time, and our current level of support — although greatly appreciated — isn’t enough to do that. So we’re asking you to step up your game and we’re also making our goals more attainable.

To keep the doors open and the lights on, we need at least $3,000 per month in Patreon pledges. As of August 30, 2015, our patrons are kicking in $860.99 per month. (NOTE – that’s up to $1268 per month now). We need for our current patrons to step up and increase their support, and we need new patrons — or we can’t continue to operate.

At $3,250 per month, we’ll throw in a weekly podcast with the three of us (and some guests) talking about current tech news with a focus on Apple.

Bump us up to $3,500 per month, and we’ll add forums available ONLY to Patreon backers.

These goals aren’t that lofty, and we need to get at least to the $3,000 level to continue. If you are a current patron, we thank you and ask you to consider raising your monthly pledge. We’ll also be sending out a plea for new Patreon backers.

Here are the wonderful people who have either increased their Patreon pledges or signed up to support Apple World Today since yesterday afternoon:

Ged Maheux
Paul Lagasse
Shelley Sperry
Alex Nachlas
Sperry Editorial
Dan Mosqueda
Ken Snider
Michael Rose
Samuel Herschbein
Andrea Suhaka
Mario Ciabarra
Paul Taylor
Adam Johnson
Alex Cohn
Tim Torgenrud
Sean Conley
Derek Scott
Steven Ametjan
Tom Bridge
Paul Sakion
Hive Noise Comedy Podcast
Randy Reitz
Dave Kekish
Oliver Saunders
Eugene Bouley
Ryan Compton
Roger Reini
Chris Westergaard
David O’Donnell
Jon Thompson
Katie Sellers
Lee Marcus
Michael Kelly
Max Engel
Ari Weinstein
Stuart Cerullo
Scott Ludtke
John Voliva
Amanda Bumgardner
Evan Brus
Tim Lozier
Niklas Brunberg
Derek Gardiner
Paul Weir
Lee McCartney
Henning & Holger
Bob Farrell
Grawlix Comix
Jack Land
Raymond Berry
Sameer Bakhda
Damon Uyeda
Jim Main

We’ll post another list of new and “renewed” patrons soon! 

Thank you! Please get the word out to as many of your friends, relatives, and business associates as possible about our site – we’re still not out of the woods… 

Steve Sande
the authorSteve Sande
Steve is the founder and former publisher of Apple World Today and has authored a number of books about Apple products. He's an avid photographer, an FAA-licensed drone pilot, and a really bad guitarist. Steve and his wife Barb love to travel everywhere!