Friday, March 14, 2025
Archived Post

NetMarketShare: Mac OS X, iOS both gain market share in July

According to the latest market share survey from NetMarketShare, the market share for Mac OS X and iOS both rose in July.

Throughout 2015, we’ve been telling you about MacTech Pro, the conference series for professional Apple techs and consultants. A one-day jam-packed session in cities around the country, MacTech Pro has been a big success this year. Now there are only three more sessions planned, the first of which is next week in the Big Apple:

  • New York, NY – August 12, 2015
  • Dallas, TX – September 2, 2015
  • Denver, CO – September 30, 2015

MacTech’s Neil Ticktin, who is the host of all of the events, noted that attendees can attend the Microsoft Office for Mac and iOS Accredited Support Professional Course and Exam (updated for Office 2016) at no additional cost. If you’re thinking about attending, but need that extra little incentive to push you over the edge to go to your regional event, you can even get a special Apple World Today deal. And remember that lunch is included, so you can continue networking with your new support pro buddies!

I’ll end this post not only with a personal appeal for anyone who is in the business of supporting Apple users to attend one of the last three MacTech Pro sessions, but also with some testimonials from other 2015 attendees:

“Just wanted to say thanks for all you have done–the Chicago conference last week was all that was promised, and more! I learned a lot, on lots of topics, had fun, and definitely was inspired to ‘think different’ about what we do. Great group of speakers too!” – Beth Engel

“Keep up the good work guys! It’s obvious that you’ve all been at this for quite sometime.”

“MacTech [Pro] was a nice [combination] of meeting up with peers and touching briefly on the state of the union with what we all do. I’m interested in coming back. Great job overall!” – Jason Buecker

“Great conference overall! I learned a lot and am glad I decided to register. I came across a post about the conference.” – Jerry Kee

“I really enjoyed the short time in Seattle. The people are great. The service you offer at this event was the best. Good job.” – David Lawrence

“Very good event. I would recommend it highly.” – Peter Haigh

“I never fail to meet new and interesting people at your events!”  – Susan Berenguer

Steve Sande
the authorSteve Sande
Steve is the founder and former publisher of Apple World Today and has authored a number of books about Apple products. He's an avid photographer, an FAA-licensed drone pilot, and a really bad guitarist. Steve and his wife Barb love to travel everywhere!