It’s time to save some of your hard-earned money with our Daily Deals, featuring highlighted deals for AWT readers, hardware discounts and our own handpicked iOS and OS X sales. All prices are USD and subject to change. Please check prices before you purchase as some deals may expire quickly.
AWT Featured App
- Billings Pro [Starting at $5 per user/month] Make invoicing painless with Billings Pro. Now with Apple Watch support.
Hardware and Accessory Deals
2-Day Sale on Apple Hardware [Best Buy; Variable Savings] Save up to $200 on the iPad, iPhone, MacBook and iMac models in this two-day sale that ends today.
Crystal Edition UE BOOM Wireless Bluetooth Speaker [Amazon; On sale for $149.99, down from $199.99] Make music social with this 360-degree wireless speaker.
Groupon Apple Event [Groupon; Save up to 75% off] Save up to 75% Off Apple hardware and accessories.
Harman Kardon AE Earphones [Harman Kardon; On sale for up to $44.99, down from $149.99] A blend of sophistication and simplicity, AE headphones are part of Harman Kardon’s first-ever line of headphones. Now you can take beautiful sound with you wherever you go. Use coupon code “AEGLDSIL45” to lower the price to $44.99 with free shipping.
iOS Software Discounts
Tactica [$0.99 → Free] Tactica is a game that requires strategy, tactical finesse and planning and enables you to utilize a 100 percent controllable 3D camera, play online against any iPhone owner worldwide, your friends or a highly sophisticated artificial intelligence.
Final Fury Pro [$0.99 → Free] Real 3D Battles! Tones of awesome features! Play Final Fury in Single Player Mode or crush Aliens with your friends in CO-OP Mode!
Color Rush Ninja [$0.99 → Free] Prove your skills and help Ninja on this colorful trip through a strange land!
Coin Kingdom HD – Real 3D Coin Game + Slots [$1.99 → $0.99] REAL 3D Coin Game, easy playing, Tap or Flick! Super physics engine inside! Multi-touch is a good way to drop a lot of coins at a time.
Guardian Saga [$1.99 → $0.99] The Guardians – the great beasts created by the Gods of old to protect mankind from evil – have suddenly fallen quiet.
Shadow Love [$3.99 → $0.99] Everything is made of shadows! This action game is designed using hand shadow puppets!!!
OS X Software Discounts
NetSpot Wi-Fi Reporter [$49.99 → $0.99] Installing a wireless network isn’t always easy. Interference from neighboring networks, and radio noise from electronic devices can cause serious connection problems. While you can overcome those by trial and error, there’s a much better solution: NetSpot is here to do the job for you!
Resolution2 [$4.99 → Free] The main purpose to help you quickly switch to the preset screen sizes.
Masquerade [$0.99 → Free] Mask, hide and cover parts of your desktop, so to only see a certain area while the rest is hidden to your eyes.