It’s time to save some of your hard-earned money with our Daily Deals, featuring highlighted deals for AWT readers, hardware discounts and our own handpicked iOS and OS X sales. All prices are USD and subject to change. Please check prices before you purchase as some deals may expire quickly.
AWT Featured Apps
OmniGraffle [Standard version starts at $49 for iOS, $99 for Mac] OmniGraffle is for creating precise, beautiful graphics. Like website wireframes, an electrical system design, a family tree, or mapping out software classes. For artists, designers, casual data-mappers, and everyone in-between.
Alto’s Adventure — Snowman App Sale [$1.99 → $0.99] Above the placid ivory snow lies a sleepy mountain village, brimming with the promise of adventure.
Circles Memory Game — Snowman App Sale [$0.99 → Free] Circles is a wonderful new memory game for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and iPad mini.
Checkmark 2 — Snowman App Sale [$4.99 → $1.99] Checkmark is back with an all-new design for iOS 8 and great new features, including Lists, Location Groups, One-tap Rescheduling, a Today widget, and much more!
Shifts – Shift Worker Calendar — Snowman App Sale [$4.99 → Free] Shifts is the fastest and easiest way to enter and view your work shifts on iPhone.
iOS Game Discounts
7 Little Words for Kids [$2.99 → $0.99] Discover 7 colorful worlds as you solve the mini word puzzles. But don’t worry if you get stuck. You can always get a hint if you need it. It’s made just for kids, but many parents will love it too.
Jump Out!™ [$0.99 → Free] Surrounded by cunning traps, they look ahead and see… the exit. These bugs have nothing to fear; they always look dangers in the face and keep on crying Jump Out!
Cribbage HD [$3.99 → Free] Play the App Store’s top rated cribbage online with your friends or anyone in the world!
Bowling Central [$2.99 → Free] A unique twist to your favourite sport of bowling!
iOS Software Discounts
Halftone 2 – Comic Book Creator [$1.99 → Free] Easily turn your photos into comic book pages and videos with Halftone 2. Apple’s App of the Week.
Blurred Wallpapers [$1.99 → Free] Custom Backgrounds and Wallpaper Images – FREE! Users can create a unique look for the Home or Lock Screen on their device in just a few clicks.
Nearly – Smart Location Reminders [$1.99 → Free] Nearly is a simple way to create smart location reminders.
Vintique [$0.99 → Free] Vintique provides awesome vintage filters and powerful image editing tools.
Perfect Weather – NOAA Radar, Forecast, and Severe Weather Alerts [$2.99 → $0.99] Some weather apps are overloaded with information. Others are designed to be pretty rather than useful. Perfect Weather strikes the right balance. It gives you a quick, clear overview of the conditions you care most about.
Capo touch – Slow down and detect chords in your music [$9.99 → $4.99] With Chord Intelligence, beat detection, and other sophisticated technology that was once reserved for full-size computers, Capo touch brings the power of our award-winning Capo 3 to musicians on the move.
Minuum – The Little Keyboard for Big Fingers: Now with Smart Emoji [$3.99 → $1.99] Type faster, see more screen, and take control of autocorrect with Minuum.
Sago Mini Fairy Tales [$2.99 → $0.99] Make new friends, play dress up and unearth silly surprises. This open-ended play experience is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
Manual – Custom exposure camera [$1.99 → $0.99] Custom exposure for your iPhone camera.
OS X Software Discounts
Pimp Your Screen – Custom HD Backgrounds and Desktop Wallpaper Images with Animated Clock Widgets [$3.99 → $0.99] Pimp Your Screen is here to customize the look of your desktop by giving you an exclusive selection of specially designed background images arranged in categories.
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum [$19.99 → $6.99] Build the ride of your life! RollerCoaster Tycoon® 3 Platinum combines the excitement of rollercoasters with the fun of a great strategy simulation.
LIMBO [$9.99 → $4.99] Uncertain of his sister’s fate, a boy enters LIMBO.