We already know that cats rule the Internet; now we’re beginning to find that they’re behind the scenes in a growing number of OS X and iOS software development companies. Julia Petryk from MacPaw sent us not only a wonderful email about office cats Fixel and Hoover but links to a bunch of fantastic photos, too! Here’s her email:
You’d think that work at a progressive IT company takes some serious tech skills. But MacPaw, an app development company, has successfully proven this theory wrong. In MacPaw, you don’t even have to be human, let alone a techie, to make it to the official employee list. *

Take Fixel, for example. An icon of independence. No matter what you have to offer, he’ll turn his tail on you. Rumor has it, that if you have a good idea, Fixel will let you pet him. The people he chooses for napping on are treated with a mixture of jealousy and adoration.

Hoover, on the other hand, is a beautifully random creature. We’re still not sure whether he can distinguish between a flower pot, a human, or your MacBook. He seems ok with stretching himself on any of those. And he’s not worried about accidentally deleting your whole design template for CleanMyMac 3… or anything for that matter — He’s a master of teaching “patience” to others.

Apple World Today needs good cats! Have a picture of your cat soaking up the good vibes of an Apple product? Tell us the back story behind your kitty’s photo on the Apple World Today contact page – we don’t accept inbound attachments, so please host the photo on Dropbox, Flickr, iPhoto, etc… and then include the link in your message. Please note that the picture must have some tie to an Apple product.
Thanks and wet cat nose kisses to Julia, Hoover and Fixel, and the other good cats at MacPaw!