Recently one of our readers pointed out that he kept seeing the Welcome to Apple World Today post each and every day when he visited the site. By clicking on the Apple World Today logo, he was able to visit the “correct” and current home page, but he was annoyed that this was happening. A quick look at our site metrics pointed out that the first post we put up on AWT on February 8, 2015 is still seeing a lot of traffic… so obviously something is wrong.
The answer is simple — on that first day of AWT’s online life, you bookmarked the first post that’s found at https://appleworld.dreamhosters.com/blog/2015/1/28/welcome-to-apple-world-today. Whenever you click a favorites link or button, or start typing in “appleworld.today” in your browser, it’s pointing to that page.
To fix the recurring issue, just delete any bookmarks you may currently have for Apple World Today. Next, type in the site URL — https://appleworld.dreamhosters.com — and go to the site. Before you do anything else, make a new bookmark and you should be set for the foreseeable future without seeing the “welcome mat” every time you visit the site.