It’s time to save some of your hard-earned money with our Daily Deals, featuring exclusive deals for AWT readers, hardware discounts and our own handpicked iOS and OS X sales. All prices are USD and subject to change. Please check prices before you purchase as some deals may expire quickly.
AWT’s Daily Deals
MacPhun Focus [Now free, down from $9.99] To celebrate the launch of AppleWorld.Today, photo software developer Macphun is offering their popular Focus app for Mac for FREE readers of AWT.

GravityView [On sale for 20% off] AppleWorld.Today is pleased to offer an exclusive deal on the GravityView WordPress plugin by Katz Web Services. Gravity View is the best way to display Gravity Forms entries on your website. The plugin comes with built-in presets to display a variety of data with a drag & drop configuration to get it just right.

GravityView pricing starts at US$50, but AWT readers can save 20% off the retail price when they use the exclusive promo code “SPACESHIPCAMPUS” during checkout. This discount applies to all options, including the 3-site and 100-site plans.
Hardware and Accessory Deals
NETGEAR ProSAFE FS105 5-Port Fast Ethernet Desktop Switch [Amazon; On sale $9.99 with mail-in-rebate, save $19.99 ] The FS100 series FS105 Fast Ethernet switch brings the 100 Mbps switching technology and simplifies it for the small office marketplace.
TRENDnet TPL-308E2K Powerline 200 AV Nano Adapter Kit Up to 200Mbps [Newegg; On sale $19.99, save $29.99 ] The Powerline 200 AV Nano Adapter Kit, model TPL-308E2K, uses an electrical outlet to create a secure high speed network. Use coupon code “EMCAPKW26” to cut the price to $19.99.
Team F108 32GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive (Golden) [Newegg; On sale for $9.99, down from $12.99] With the well-tempered color silver, black and brown colors, the F108 becomes an indispensable mobile storage for mature user seeks for reliable storage. Use coupon code “EMCAPKV58” to lower price to $29.99.
AOC e2752She 27-Inch LED Backlit Monitor with 2 MS Response Time, VGA and 2 HDMI Ports, Earphone Audio port, 1920 x 1080 Resolution Display [Amazon; On sale for $179.99, down from $199.99] The e2752She is a 27-inch widescreen LED-backlit monitor that delivers stunningly crisp and impressive image quality, as well as solid performance with a two millisecond response time. Ideal for multimedia applications, the energy efficient display also features two HDMI ports and a 3.5mm audio port for earphone.
iOS Software Discounts
Pilot’s Path [Now free, down from $3.99] Experience the thrill of adventure with Pilot’s Path – an old school top down view helicopter flying game, perfectly optimized for Retina Display.
Modern Combat 5: Blackout [Now free, down from $3.99] Step into the action as the latest installment in the best FPS series raises the bar for shooters once more! Create a squad, add your friends and test your individual and team skills against other squads!
MyBrushes Pro – Draw, Paint, Sketch on Infinite canvas [On sale for $0.99, down from $2.99] MyBrushes Pro is a revolutionary, infinite canvas drawing app that allows you unlimited freedom to sketch, create and share.
SonicPics [On sale for $0.99, down from $1.99] SonicPics makes digital storytelling fun and easy! Turn your photographs into narrated slideshow movies to share with your family and friends!
OS X Software Discounts
StatsBar – System Monitor for CPU, Memory, Disk Space, Network & Battery [On sale for $1.99, down from $3.99] With StatsBar, you get a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the following areas of your Mac
Find Any File [On sale for $1.99, down from $7.99] Unhappy with Spotlight? Find every file on any of your disks, including those usually hidden.
Leaf – RSS News Reader [On sale for $3.99, down from $7.99] Leaf is an amazing RSS news reader for your Mac. Read, share, star and search your news by using a clean and intuitive interface.