Apple today confirmed that it will begin accepting pre-orders for the Apple Watch starting April 10. To coincide with the pre-orders, Apple also is launching in-store displays that’ll showcase the Watch before it officially is available. The Watch will go on sale beginning April 24th with a starting price tag of $349 for the 38mm Watch Sport and $399 for the 42mm Sport model.
The 38mm stainless steel Apple Watch begins with a starting price tag of $549, but that price that can climb to $1049 depending on band choices. Similar to the Watch Sport, the 42mm stainless steel Watch is available for an additional $50 ($599-$1099).
Apple’s gold Apple Watch edition sports the highest starting price tag, costing a minimum of $10,000. These luxury watches only will be available in select Apple retail stores.
Besides a lengthy product demonstration showing Uber, WeChat and other apps, Apple also confirmed that the Watch will deliver all-day battery life (18h) under most circumstances.
Our take on the news:
Get those credit cards ready and prepare to grab your Apple Watch. I’m sold on the device and will be there on day one, will you?