
Apple patent filing is for reflection coatings on vehicle, building windows

Let the Apple Car rumors roll on. Apple has filed for a patent for “Systems With Infrared Reflective Coating” that…

5 months ago

Apple works on interface for a virtual digital assistant (that would be Siri)

Apple has filed for a patent for an “Interface for a Virtual Digital Assistant.” The goal seems to be to…

5 months ago

Apple patent involves user interfaces for audio routing

Apple has been granted a patent for “User Interfaces for Audio Routing.”

5 months ago

Apple looks at ways to make it easier (and safer) to sync content across various devices

Apple has been granted a patent for “Synchronizing Content” with the goal of, well, making it easier (and safer) to…

5 months ago

Future Mac and iPad keyboards may have adjustable feedback

Apple has been granted a patent (number US 11848166 B2) for Mac and iPad keyboards with adjustable feedback that would…

5 months ago

Apple Vision Pro sensors may adjust features in the case of component misalignment

Apple Vision Pro sensors may adjust features in the case of component misalignment.

5 months ago

Patent filing hints that Apple may be planning a line of home automation systems

Is Apple planning a line of home automation systems that work with its Home app and HomeKit software framework?

5 months ago

Apple may be considering its own magnetically attachable wallets

Apple has been granted a patent (number US 11839279 B2) for a “Magnetically Attachable Wallet.” In the patent Apple notes…

5 months ago

Apple patent involves the Vision Pro detecting, responding to user movements

Not surprisingly, the upcoming Vision Pro will change the environment viewed by a user as the user moves.

5 months ago

Apple wants its Health app to be able to generate customized personal health ontologies

According to a new patent filing Apple is looking into ways for its Health app to generate customized personal health…

5 months ago